101 Biltmore Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 398-1837  info@theorangepeel.net

Box Office Hours
Wed & Thu | 11:30am – 4:00pm
Fri | 10:00am – 4:00pm
Show Days | 4:00pm – Close



Our website and Etix.com. Tickets purchased on third party websites (StubHub, VividSeats, etc) are likely scalpers and may not be valid at the door. Use caution when buying tickets anywhere but The Orange Peel website and Etix.com.


The Orange Peel Box Office: Open Fri 10am – 2pm and 5pm – CLOSE on show days.

Harvest Records in West Asheville, and the Aloft Hotel in Downtown Asheville.


1-800-514-ETIX (3849)

For shows listed as ALL AGES, children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must remain with that adult throughout the duration of the show. We require that those accompanying minors under 12 at ALL AGES shows stay near the back of the venue and bring appropriate ear protection. Babies under 2 are not allowed. Unless otherwise noted as ALL AGES, our shows are 18+ only.

Box Office Hours
Wed & Thu 11:30am – 4:00pm
Fri 10:00am – 4:00pm
Show Days 4:00pm – Close

Tickets can also be purchased at Harvest Records in West Asheville (415 Haywood Rd) or Aloft Hotel in Downtown Asheville (51 Biltmore Ave – Open 24/7). Or by phone: 1-800-514-ETIX

When ordering your tickets online or over the phone you can request to pick your tickets up at the club (will call) or have them send you an email with tickets that you can download and print at home. To pick up your will-call tickets, bring your ID to the box office the night of the show or anytime during box office hours to collect your tickets. If you order Print-at-home tickets, you can download and print your tickets from the Etix confirmation sent to your email. You can also scan the ticket directly from your smart phone. You can avoid waiting in line twice (at the box office and in the entry line) by selecting print-at-home.

For shows at The Orange Peel, no large bags or backpacks are permitted inside the venue. Smaller purses and bags are permitted and will be searched upon entry.
For shows at Rabbit Rabbit, only clear bags are permitted. No other bags are allowed inside the venue. 
Email info@theorangepeel.net if you have any questions or if you need to request special accommodations. 

Most (if not all) of the ticket money goes to the bands, which have high overhead/travel costs of their own. The service fee covers part of the overhead costs involved in staffing and running a box office four afternoons a week and every show night. It is intended to help cover the costs of labor, ticket stock, ticketing software fees, credit card fees, phone charges, box office equipment, etc. We make every effort to keep this service charge as low as possible.

The Orange Peel has asked for the most competitive offer from many ticketing companies to achieve the best ticketing system with the lowest service charges. We find our convenience fees with Etix to be some of the lowest in the country and significantly lower than their major competitors such as Ticketmaster.

The truth is we have to find a balance between a legitimate, proven ticketing company with a strong online operating system, the ability to do print-at-home and scanner systems plus a box office system that all works together. Etix is a business, and the fees they charge are their only source of revenue to provide you and the Peel the above services.

Please have the original purchaser call the box office and leave your name an the “alternate pick up” person.

When you come to pick up the tickets please bring the following info and documents.

Bring a cellphone picture or photocopy of the original purchaser’s picture ID.

Please have the order number for the tickets you are picking up.

You may also bring a note with the purchaser’s signature verifying that you may pick up their tickets, for example, “(Your name) has my permission to pick up my tickets.”And DON’T forget to bring your own ID!

Beware of buying tickets from strangers! There is never a guarantee that you are buying legitimate tickets unless you buy them from The Orange Peel or Etix.com.

Our ticketing system is set up to allow advance purchase of tickets at our box office. You may purchase tickets online or by phone with an additional surcharge. We are unable to “hold” tickets unless you purchase them first and leave them at will-call.

If you are supposed to be on a guest list, be sure you know the name of the person who has put you on the list. It is also a good idea to confirm with that person that you are on the list 24 hours before the show. Valid ID is always required at The Orange Peel, and it is essential when you are picking up tickets at Will-Call or from the Guest list. We are not responsible for mistakes made by band members, radio stations, or other promotional groups, although we will follow up on guest list questions to the best of our ability. The guest list is almost always at the box office window half an hour before doors open.

No. Some places do this. We don’t.

You do not. Do not purchase print at home tickets from someone you do not know. ALL tickets are scanned at the door and a photocopied ticket will not gain you admittance to the venue. Buyer Beware! Each barcode will only scan once – once it’s been scanned by our door staff, it won’t work again, so be careful!

We can’t refund tickets unless a show is cancelled. You are welcome to re-sell your tickets – you can post on Craig’s List or our facebook page, or sell it to another guest in front of the club. FYI: NC law does not allow scalping – and can only be sold for up to $3 over face value.

The best way is to be close personal friends with the artist. Oh wait, that’s the only way.

Next best: Unless an artist has asked that tickets only be sold online, we do try to protect die-hard fans who spend hours and days at our box office. No one has ever waited overnight for tickets and not gotten into the show. That said, there’s always a first time. We do regular counts outside the box office during the hours right before an on-sale and if we reach our box office limit, we will let you know so you can get to a computer and try your luck.

Our sellable capacity is 1,050.

Most shows are standing room only; however, typically, we have 30-50 stools around the perimeter of the room available first come / first served. For many shows, we have a reserved seating area located on each side of the room along the walls of the venue where you can reserve a seat. Seats in the Reserved area can be purchased at our box office for a $15 upcharge. Feel free to reserve seats with our box office over the phone (828) 398-1837. We do advise customers to purchase tickets before reserving seats. We also have some shows which are designated as partially or fully seated shows. For those shows, all seats are first come / first served for ticket holders.

Re-enrty is allowed for patrons 21 and older. All of the same rules apply for readmission as for admission, so be prepared to show your ID or have your bag checked. If you plan to leave and return, make sure your stamp is clear or your wristband is intact and have your ticket stub. We will not admit people with torn wristbands or illegible stamps. Please note we now have a smoking deck accessible from within the club and a separate, private liquor bar downstairs where members can enjoy a cocktail.

According to the North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission, we are allowed to accept only four forms of identification as proof of age for the consumption of alcohol. The NC law reads as follows: “Acceptable forms of identification are driver’s license, North Carolina special identification cardpassport and military identification card. Businesses reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated or underage. GS 18B-302, 18B-305″ Any guest who presents an out-of-state ID card is marked with X’s and is not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol while at the club. We will allow entry to a show with an out-of-state ID, but we will not allow that person to use it as proof of age for drinking at our bar. The law specifically notes an NC special ID card – but no other state’s ID cards are acceptable as proof of age. Any state’s drivers licenses may be accepted, but not ID cards from out-of-state.

For more information, visit the NC Alcohol Beverage Controls’ website: http://www.ncabc.com/education/permittee/faq.aspx

Most shows at The Orange Peel are 18 and up, so you must have an ID to prove you are at least 18, but the advertised ages will apply to each show. Some of our other shows are All Ages, in which case you will not need your ID to get into the show.

First, check the age restrictions on the show listing.

If a show is listed as ALL AGES, a person under 18 can attend with or without their parent/guardian.

If a show is listed as AGES 16+ or 18+, then most of the time the answer to this question is “Yes!” if the parent is also present. For some shows, we have to be strict regarding the age limit so please email info@theorangepeel.net to get consent to attend with a parent.

Ah, if only we had a crystal showtime ball. The end of a set is at the discretion of the performing act (although we contract them for a minimum set length – anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the act). This is a question we usually cannot answer.

We do not have our own parking lot. However, like other downtown businesses, we rely on street parking (free after 6pm!) and paid parking lots. DO NOT park in other neighbors’ spaces that are marked as tow-away zones. You WILL be towed. In addition, do not stop your car on Biltmore Avenue or in neighbor’s lots to buy tickets at our box office. This is dangerous, illegal, and causes problems for the businesses that surround The Orange Peel.

Download the Asheville App for real-time parking garage availability.

Clothing is required, the style is up to you.

Yes, only during the cold season! It is located downstairs.

Smoking and vaping are not permitted at all inside The Orange Peel. We have a smoking deck located to the right of the stage.

Yes, we have two that serve beer (lots of good local selections), wine, and non-alcoholic beverage options. We have a wide selection of beer from many local and nation breweries including Hi Wire, Green Man, Asheville Brewing Company, Highland Brewing, Foothills, Oskar Blues, New Belgium, Sierra Nevada, Wicked Weed, and much more! Not into craft brews? We also have Miller Lite and PBR as well as craft cider!

Is liquor more your jam? We also have a separate, private full liquor bar in the basement called PULP. You can access this bar via the stairwell to the left of the main bar. Check out our Bourbon selection with over 160 different options.

That’s okay! We close all tabs at the end of the night. If you don’t come up to the bar to close your tab, a 25% gratuity will be added.

You can buy band merch at the show, we have an ATM if you need to get some cash out. Orange Peel merch is available online – visit our online store or purchase at the club, feel free to drop by during box office hours/during a show to pick out a snazzy tee (cash or credit are acceptable).

We always do everything we can to make sure that every guest we have is comfortable and gets to enjoy a great night of live music! Our building is ADA compliant. Feel free to email or call us if we can assist you in any way. info@theorangepeel.net / (828) 398-1837

Our house policy is that you are allowed to use cell phone and small handheld digtal cameras. We do not allow cameras with zoom or detachable lenses. However, that may differ from the bands policy and the bands policy wins. Almost every band is ok with small digital cameras or point and shoots. Almost no band is ok with professional grade photographers without prior approval. Call the box office the day of show (usually late in the day) and we should know the band’s official photo policy.

COVID-19 Refund Policy

Beginning May 1, 2020, the refund policy for shows rescheduled due to the coronavirus pandemic is as follows.

For shows that have already been rescheduled with a new date announced will have a refund request window ending on May 30. After May 30, tickets will be non-refundable for shows that have already been announced with a new date.

For shows that are currently postponed with no new date announced will have a 30 day refund request window beginning the day the new show is announced. For example, if we announce a new date for a show on May 15, the refund request deadline will be June 15. All current ticket holders be notified by email and the deadline will be posted on the event listing when a new date is announced for a postponed show.

Please email info@theorangepeel.net if you have any questions. Please do not call The Orange Peel.


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Just Announced
wed, June 18

ON SALE: Mar 27 at 12:00pm

sat, July 26

Big Something

Widespread Panic Afterparty
wed, Mar 26

*POSTPONED* Two Nights with They Might Be Giants

THE BIG SHOW TOUR. Only 2024 area appearances!
tue, Mar 25

*POSTPONED* Two Nights with They Might Be Giants

THE BIG SHOW TOUR. Only 2025 area appearances!
thu, June 19
Second show added by popular demand!

Fred Armisen: Comedy for Musicians But Everyone is Welcome

On sale Thu, Mar 20 at 4pm!