Booking for National Acts
AC Entertainment
A. C. Entertainment, Inc.
507 South Gay Street, Suite 1100
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 523 – 2665 phone
(865) 637 – 2141 fax
Booking for Local Acts
On rare occasions we book local support for shows, but we have found that most national touring acts bring their own support. For this reason, we ask that you contact us via email only with booking requests. We cannot accept demo packages in the regular mail. If you have an interest in opening for a specific band, either contact the band directly, or email us your request with information on previous bookings anything else you can think of that would make us want to book you. We may or may not respond to your email. We try to read them all, but it is impossible to answer every booking request personally.
Please send booking requests to
One way to get our attention is by making a name for yourself around town. Our staff and friends frequent local venues, festivals, and events and if we see you and like what you’ve got, we’ll remember you.