101 Biltmore Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 398-1837  info@theorangepeel.net

Box Office Hours
Wed & Thu | 11:30am – 4:00pm
Fri | 10:00am – 4:00pm
Show Days | 4:00pm – Close

Work at the Peel

If you are interested in working at The Orange Peel, please click here for an application. The qualities we look for are integrity, a strong personal work ethic, flexibility, and an extreme commitment to customer service.

Please drop off your application at the Orange Peel Box Office Wed-Fri 12:00-5:30, or during any show.

Send all inquiries to employment@theorangepeel.net.

Volunteer at The Peel

Street Team

The Orange Peel is recruiting a new street team and you can join!


We are looking for dedicated individuals to help promote the club and its shows all around North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and northern parts of Georgia & South Carolina. Street team members will be expected to distribute posters and calendars monthly and help with weekly promotions like flyering. In return, street team members will see shows at The Peel for free!

It is important that you review our FAQ’s before inquiring into the street team program.

Contact Us:
If you are interested please send us an email at streetteam@theorangepeel.net and provide the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone numbers (including cell)
  • Email address
  • Why you want to be on the street team
  • Most importantly….what areas you could cover.

Serious inquiries only.

Thanks for your interest in the Orange Peel and our street team!

Street Team FAQ:

Q: What will I be expected to do as a member of the Orange Peel Street Team?
A: Members of the Orange Peel’s Street Team are expected to complete the followin tasks each month:

  1. Distribute Orange Peel full color calendar posters to our Retail Partners and other locations once or twice a month.
  2. Distribute Orange Peel show posters and flyer at least two times per month.
  3. Promote Orange Peel shows on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  4. Submit proof-of-work photos via email.

Q: Will my work ever be checked? How will the Orange Peel evaluate the work I do?

A: Yes. We use your submission of photos to evaluate completed street team tasks.

Q: What are my rewards for being a member of the Street Team?

A:  Street Team members will see shows at The Peel for free.


Join our mailing list for contests, announcements, ticket information, and much more!

Just Announced
wed, June 18

ON SALE: Mar 27 at 12:00pm

sat, July 26

Big Something

Widespread Panic Afterparty
wed, Mar 26

*POSTPONED* Two Nights with They Might Be Giants

THE BIG SHOW TOUR. Only 2024 area appearances!
tue, Mar 25

*POSTPONED* Two Nights with They Might Be Giants

THE BIG SHOW TOUR. Only 2025 area appearances!
thu, June 19
Second show added by popular demand!

Fred Armisen: Comedy for Musicians But Everyone is Welcome

On sale Thu, Mar 20 at 4pm!